Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Ok this week has been pretty cool up to today! It all has to do with teaching, walking, baptizing, sushi, surgeries, and much more!

So on Thursday, we started off with a baptism! The family of Engels and Scarlet. This family is really good friends the Branch Pres and he really wanted us to help them get baptized. So we went over there, taught them a few times and got them ready to enter the waters of baptism. We did that on Thursday and on Sunday, Engels was able to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. This Sunday, we were able to ordain about 8 men to the Aaronic Priesthood because this coming Sunday is the District Conference where all eligible and worthy Aaronic Priesthood holders with receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. We have a goal of 20 worthy men to receive it this Sunday. If we are able to have these 20 stay active and worthy, we might be able to start a ward sometime in the future. We will need a new Branch Pres and a bigger Chapel too.

So today, I went to the mall with Elder Eversole. He has about 22 months in the mission and is just about ready to head home. We went to this Sushi place to eat. It is called Sushiitto and sells sushi and Japanese food for really cheap. So we ordered 5 rolls of Sushi, a fondue soup, and deep fried veggies. It turned out really awesome since it was my first time eating sushi. All sushi really is is rice, veggies, sometimes alittle crab, shrimp meat, or salmon, cheese, and spinach. I really enjoyed it and it ended being about $30 for all of it. I did this just before I had an appointment with the doctor!!

I started getting the ingrown toenail about a week ago so I talked to the mission nurse and she told me to get an appointment with a doctor. So I did. A week ago the doctor saw my toe and she said that if I use a bunch of drugs and stuff that maybe we can get rid of it. Well I did everything she told me to do and all it did was get rid of the infection that I had. So today I went it again for her to look at it and she said that she would need to operate on my toe to take the ingrown nail out. So we went to her little clinic and she pulled out the needle, numbed my toe, sharpened her knives and began her business. She cut away the bad and overgrown skin around the nail and then cut the nail straight back to where the nail begins to grow so that when it grows back, it will grow straight. She then stitched the skin back together and wrapped it all in gauze. I now am limited to how much I walk and I have to do a bunch of drugs and stuff with my toe. And this Wednesday, I have to go back so she can look at it. And because this Wednesday is changes, I hope that I don't have changes so that everything will go well.

I hope everything is going awesomely at home and that everyone is happy!!!

“Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others...By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley

¡¡¡Les Amo Bastante!!!

Elder Daugherty

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